Author Archives: Anthony Persaud

Best Salsa Dancing application for iPhone and Android

Now they can watch and learn over 100 salsa dance moves, going from beginner to advanced, where ever they are! We are now on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android devices. See the videos below for details.


To download Pocket Salsa for iPhone or iPod Touch from the iTunes AppStore, go to .

Pocket Salsa for Android Devices

To install from the Android Market

Go to the Android Market Webstore here: or  you can watch this video!.

Learn Advanced Salsa – Lock ‘n Load Combo

This salsa dance video lesson we teach you the “Lock and Load” salsa dance combination. It is an advanced move, and therefore we will be teaching it in On2 timing. For more videos, visit

This episode is dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs. He was a role model to most of us, who taught us to do what we love so that we can leave our dent in the Universe. That lesson helped me start Addicted2Salsa. I am forever thankful.

Salsa Dance Lesson – Snapalicious

Learn salsa dance steps and moves for free! In this salsa dancing lesson we show you how to perform the salsa dance moves we call the ‘snapalicious‘. For more free salsa dance lessons and salsa dance videos, please visit our website: . You can also follow us on Facebook @ or on YouTube

Quick Style Tips for Ladies


Advanced Salsa Dance Hand Flicks

Sneaking Salsa Turns Into Patterns

Learn Latin Cha Cha Dance in a few minutes!

Cross Body Lead Flick Lock

Men’s Styling for Salsa Dancing

Salsa Cuddle Body Lead Move

Salsa Dancing

Free latin salsa dance instruction videos that teach you moves to use at the latin dance nightclub. With dancing articles, dance news, dance podcasts, salsa dance videos and forums – we try to help you become the best salsa and latin dancer you can be (as soon as possible).

The 180 Cross Body Lead (CBL) with Turn

In this episode of Addicted2Salsa, we go back to the basics to help you learn how to do a 180° Cross-Body Lead with a Turn (*a few others call this the Coca-Cola move). We first start off refreshing you what a Cross-Body Lead with a Turn looks like and from there add-on the extra dance steps required to do a half-revolution. Getting the 180 degree cross body lead will help build the salsa framework for you to execute the 360 cross body lead – which will show you in a future episode. If you have any questions, feel free to post them at Salsa Dance Video on Addicted2Salsa
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Find the Salsa Beat Practice Soundtrack

I am very happy to have found out that interest in learning to dance on2 (NY/PR) timing has started becoming very popular on To help everyone become more familiar with the clave and the VERY important conga slap, I have edited the original salsa clave track I created in Garageband for Episode 25 : Finding the Salsa Beat and modified it for an easier learning experience. This should help everyone make it part of their daily schedule to play the track at least 3 times a day while they do some other task. Doing this will allow your brain to sink-in that clave beat and rhythm subconsciously – so that it starts becoming easily recognizable by your ears. At first, I recommend forget about the clave when listening to the soundtrack first. Focus on the tu-ku (small pause) PA! sound first. That PA sound are your 2s and 6s when dancing on2.

More Fun Loop-Over Locks in Salsa Dancing

In this episode of Addicted2Salsa we show you how to perform a basic blind cross-body lead with a loop-over lock salsa move. While the move may look easy at first, it is the timing and the proper leading where some may have difficulties. Also, we will take it and chain it together with going from a cross-body hammer-lock to a reverse loop-over. I consider this a more intermediate dance pattern because you have to be very careful on how you lead this move. These moves done incorrectly can hurt the girl in VERY bad ways.

How to Improve Your Spins in Dancing

This video will help provide you with three great ways of improving your dance spinning technique. While most of the advice presented in Julies video tends to be known by most intermediate dancers, we believe it does not get addressed early on by beginners. The three main items that we will cover are good dance frame and position, the salsa dance prep and spotting.

Salsa at the Disco

Another quick episode of addicted2salsa podcast. Today we show you how to perform the famous Salsa Disco dance move using different amounts of spin. A lot of dancers get caught up in the fact about knowing very little moves, but in reality, by adding doubles and triples in their current salsa dance combination – they become almost new. There is a little known fact to most salsa dance beginners that when follows learn to spin well, theyll fall in love with it. Follows love a challenge, and if you can start leading double and triple spins well – you should do so. They will find you more fun to dance with because you make it more challenging. For ladies who would like to improve their spinning, you may want to check out these salsa tip articles on spinning. Note: pointing optional like John Travolta is optional.

Basic Salsa Dance Hand Juggle

In salsa dancing, there is more than meets the eye. There are a lot of simple hand-tricks that help you perform a simple move, but still make it complicated to the average viewer. Here is just a simple step (mainly for beginners) on how to perform the basic hand juggle at the night club. For best effect, make sure you add separation of the hands, and practice it making it fast but smooth.

Advanced Salsa Dancing Moves

Well, after getting great feedback from all of you, here it is – a more complicated salsa pattern. It is a very long pattern, so take it in strides and small bites. We have named the individual moves to help you piece the entire salsa combination together. Now, because it is Valentines Day (soon) – you can have something to practice with that special someone 🙂 .Enjoy and if you have questions, please ask it at our forums !

Salsa Dance Mixer for Beginners

So, here we are again with something short and simple just for you to mix it in to your other moves. Remember, it is not about having multiple long combos, but about putting smaller ones together in different orders. That will keep your moves fresh and keep the ladies guessing what you will do next. Additionally, for those who are thinking about on2, I make a small note for you to pay attention to the counting rhythm when performing the move. Enjoy!